Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Long but interesting.....

original link-


Agora Inc,Baltimore:J.D.Davidson,Lycos Ragingbull.com & Gary Valinoti's Jag Media
Tony Ryals , 16.11.2005 05:33

Now as Americans or whoever you are who make a good living in America,I would like to ask you how you can even live with yourselves knowing you(Lycos Ragingbull) have aided Endovasc to defraud and deceive using your website ? How in this post 911 era are you not as shocked as I am knowing that their promotion here has allowed the boiler room Bellador Group to dump shares on defrauded Americans and others through their Kuala Lumpur and Dubai operations ? Are you sure that what you are allowing has not aided both money laundering and or support for underworld and terrorist activities ?

Wolf Blitzer,Agora Inc,Baltimore:
J.D.Davidson,Lycos Ragingbull.com & Gary Valinoti's Jag Media conflict of interest.

Now as Americans or whoever you are who make a good living in America,I would like to ask you how you can even live with yourselves knowing you(Lycos Ragingbull) have aided Endovasc to defraud and deceive using your website ? How in this post 911 era are you not as shocked as I am knowing that their promotion here has allowed the boiler room Bellador Group to dump shares on defrauded Americans and others through their Kuala Lumpur and Dubai operations ? Are you sure that what you are allowing has not aided both money laundering and or support for underworld and terrorist activities ?

Agora Inc,Baltimore:J.D.Davidson,Lycos Ragingbull.com & Gary Valinoti's Jag Media conflict of interest.

I mainly bring up Mr.Stansberry because he contacted me,I don't hide my email address nor do I deny the death threats from the ncans mafia who Patrick Byrne pays to tout OSTK on Yahoo message board.Nor the fact that they have the clout at both Yahoo and Lycos RAGINGBULL.COM to have individuals who question their penny stock
lies and touting there 'removed'.

Below is a recent email from the Agora Inc.,Baltimore penny stock touter Porter Stansberry.I forget his real name you'll have to ask him if you're curious and also his last profession before self appointing himself or letting Bill Bonner and James Dale Davidson appoint him as an Agora Inc.,penny stock consultant.

Bill Bonner,James Dale Davidson, ex-CIA Chief William Colby,et.al.

And how many 100's of percent returns does his stanberryresearch website promise ? And how many named and unnamed stock tout websites has Bill Bonner,James Dale Davidson created over the years even paying ex-CIA Chief William Colby to put his name on Strategic Investment before converting it overnight to the 'Clinton killed Vince Foster' Agora Inc.tabloid ?

Ask them,unless journalism is dead in Baltimore, at least everywhere but on baltimore.indymedia. And has 'Poter Stansberry' made a false claim about Patrick BYRNE'S Overstock.com being a victim of 'naked short selling,like Davidson,I mean 'Bob O'Brien' of http://www.ncans.net recently,or hinted at it ?

I mainly bring up Mr.Stansberry because he contacted me,I don't hide my email address nor do I deny the death threats from the ncans mafia who Patrick Byrne pays to tout OSTK on Yahoo message board.Nor the fact that they have the clout at both Yahoo and Lycos RAGINGBULL.COM to have individuals who question their penny stock
lies and touting there 'removed'.

I only wonder if Mr.Stanberry(not his real name)of Agora Inc.,Baltimore was involved in having my posting or warning against Agora or James Dale Davidson connected penny stock con artists on ragingbull stopped so that they can lie and bring in new 'marks' to be riped off with nery a discouraging word from yours truly.


From: "Porter Stansberry" [Save Address] [Block Sender] [This Is Spam]

To: "william knowles"


Subject: Re: Jim Davidson

Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2005 23:31:00 -0500


Tony --

I have no relationship with Jim Davidson. No business relationship. No personal relationship. I never have. I never will. You can write anything you want to about Jim, newsmax, NTU, etc. I could care less as long as you will refrain from using my name in your rants and suggesting that I have something to do with naked shorting, pumping and dumping and Genemax, etc. I had nothing to do with any of it. So, I'll ask you one more time to please stop insinuating that I am involved in some kind of a conspiracy with Jim Davidson.

Beyond that I have no interest in what you write, or where you post it.

There's no need for you to respond to this message.



P.S. I do find it ironic that you ask in an email from "William Knowles" if Porter is my real name! .

Lycos Ragingbull.com & Gary Valinoti's Jag Media conflict of interest.


Reader post by: Anthony Ryals

Posted on: noviembre 15, 2005, 7:30 PM PST

Story: The truth about offshoring

Below is email received from ragingbull claiming my posting priviledges on ragingbull.com have been 'deactivated' for 'using multiple aliases'. Note I was not censored,(which is what this really is),for touting worthless stock which is exactly what Gary Valinoti connected aliases of Jag Media Holdings have done on RB for years.

And what are his and his many allied aliases' punishment for deceiving and defrauding RB's message board readers about 'naked shorting' being the reason for his Jag Media and many other penny stock pumps and dumps being a victim of 'naked short selling' and making outrageous claims about the companies,(both Jag Media and others with JAG NOTES infamous 'rumors' among other fraud tactics),values or potentials on the ragingbull's jagh and other RB message boards ?

He is given a contract with Lycos as a reward for the work,(fraud),he and unidentified Jag Media Holdings 'touts' on RB and James Dale Davidson of Agora Inc.connected David Patch,who is also allied with Gary Valinoti and 'Bob O'Brien' of ncans.net,(who is probably James Dale Davidson of Agora Inc.and the National Taxpayers Union or connected to Davidson and uses the same naked short fraud claim to promote Patrick Byrne's OSTK and NFI on Yahoo,AMONG OTHERS).



----- Original Message -----

From: "support_finance_web_ls (at) support.lycos.com "

To: "william knowles"

Subject: Re: : Report a Bug (KMM26243990V37022L0KM)

Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 10:33:14 -0500


> Hello,


> Your account(s) have been deactivated for being in violation of Raging

> Bull's Terms of Service. Multiple alias are in violation of Raging

> Bull's Terms of Service.


> You may view the Terms of Service at the link below:

> http://www.lycos.com/lycosinc/legal.html"> http://www.lycos.com/lycosinc/legal.html#Quote"> http://www.lycos.com/lycosinc/legal.html



> Thanks for your support of Raging Bull.


> Regards,

> Raging Bull Team, part of the Lycos Network






> Original Message Follows:

> -------------------------


> MemberName:

> ------------------------

> Name: william knowles

> Email: endoscam (at) lycos.com

> Service: Angelfire

> Error:

> Browser & Platform = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;

> FunWebProducts)

> IP information =

> Date/Time: 11/4/2005 1:22

> Comments: i am unable to post even when system is up.

add your comments

More ragingbull email

by Tony Ryals Tuesday November 15, 2005 at 12:24 PM

endoscam (at) lycos.com

From: "william knowles" [Save Address] [Block Sender] [This Is Spam]

To: "support_finance_web_ls (at) support.lycos.com "


Subject: Re: : Report a Bug (KMM26243990V37022L0KM)

Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 14:40:33 -0500


Show Full Headers

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As a follow up to what I just sent you note this post from

'slowbone',who changed his alias after I put his post about boiler

room experience on world wide internet(do a google search of 'ragingbull slowbone meangene53').WHY DOES YOUR LYCOS SEARCH ENGINE NOT DO THAT


0 IF YOU DID.Wouldn't you like to cut ragingbull fraud to near 0? But

look, he just applies for a new alias and is much more cautious and

less touting than before.And note 'meangene53' has stopped posting at

least for now.

Unless of course he just got a new alias like 'slowbone'.So how come

you never catch the people working your boards for fraud all these

years and only manage to censor their critics ? Are you like keystone

cops or do you have any special connections to some of those who run

the scams on ragingbull such as Gary Valinoti of Jag Media Holdings

who you even signed a stock promotion deal with ?

You may note also that athena_sword appears to hve been correct about



Why are you attacking me who can prove to you in a minute that I was

defrauded by Dwight Cantrell,ROBERT Johnson,David P Summers,Judge Ken

Reilly,JAMES Dale Davidson,ET.AL.of Endovasc,using your message board

which is their only 'business'and allow them to continue their fraud

here ?

I will continue to do my articles on fraud being perpetrated here

until it ends or the mafia you support through ignorance of not do

manage to shoot me or machete me or whatever.I as a reporter of the

fraud I have endured on internet and particularly ragingbull am

however always willing and glad to quote you verbatim in my writing.I

find it amusing you all appear afraid to just use your real names so

all your criticisms about dishonesty really apply more so to you than

to me.Why doesn't the head of ragingbull just speak up and I'll quote

him,with my comments added,verbatim.You guys afraid to leave the dark

alley of ragingbull with Gary Valinoti and step into the world wide

web and Google light ? No wonder you could never compete in the world

of search engines your whole 'business' here is 'anti search engine',just as

those you host here who claim to be 'anti-naked short selling' are

really pump and dump con artists including ragingbull' business

partner Gary Valinoti who was recently exposed for dumping undeclared

shares all the while he fraudulently claimed Jag Media Holdings or JAGH

was a victim of 'naked shorting'.

So if you made a deal with him who has allowed so many insiders to lie

on JAGH RB message board how much can we who were defrauded by

'companies' touting here trust your integrity ? Below is confession

from slowbone about alias change to, 'greenrabbit_7 '.


Tony Ryals

By: greenrabbit_7

09 Nov 2005, 10:36 AM EST

Msg. 17753 of 17818

Jump to msg. #

Slowbone is dead, thanks to endoscam. I have changed my moniker

because the infamous Tony Ryals is posting some statements I made a

while back under my last incarnation. These statements are posted on

another site. Naturally, he's twisting things around and inserting

words I never said. Rather than taking him to court, I will now be

know as greenrabbit_7.

I'm sure you will now do your duty and remove

this confessed boiler room tout from the boards.One down and all those Valinoti and thus ragingbull connected insider touts to go.TOO



----- Original Message -----

From: "support_finance_web_ls (at) support.lycos.com "

To: "william knowles"

Subject: Re: : Report a Bug (KMM26243990V37022L0KM)

Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 10:33:14 -0500


> Hello,


> Your account(s) have been deactivated for being in violation of Raging

> Bull's Terms of Service. Multiple alias are in violation of Raging

> Bull's Terms of Service.


> You may view the Terms of Service at the link below:

> http://www.lycos.com/lycosinc/legal.html"> http://www.lycos.com/lycosinc/legal.html#Quote"> http://www.lycos.com/lycosinc/legal.html



> Thanks for your support of Raging Bull.


> Regards,

> Raging Bull Team, part of the Lycos Network






> Original Message Follows:

> -------------------------


> MemberName:

> ------------------------

> Name: william knowles

> Email: endoscam (at) lycos.com

> Service: Angelfire

> Error:

> Browser & Platform = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;

> FunWebProducts)

> IP information =

> Date/Time: 11/4/2005 1:22

> Comments: i am unable to post even when system is up.

add your comments

Ragingbull cyber fraud

by Tony Ryals Tuesday November 15, 2005 at 11:52 AM

endoscam (at) lycos.com

From: "william knowles" [Save Address] [Block Sender] [This Is Spam]

To: "support_finance_web_ls (at) support.lycos.com "


Subject: Re: : Report a Bug (KMM26243990V37022L0KM)

Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 13:46:56 -0500


Show Full Headers

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Dear ragingbull,

Then if my account has been deactivated for multiple aliases why do

you allow James Dale Davidson of Agora Inc. who gawd knows has a big

enough cyberfraud operation around the world with more scammy

internet sites than can be counted and David Patch and his gang, who

use multiple aliases to run penny stock scams on ragingbull FOR

YEARS ?! Or haven't you noticed ? It is no secret he promoted James

Dale Davidson's pump and dump of Genemax and then they all

fraudulently claimed the shares they dumped with RB's help was

really,ha ha,'naked shorting' from Charles Schwab et.al..Do you think

Ragingbull aiding fraud either from ignorance or collusion is cute ?

Do you believe knowingly hosting penny stock pump and dump ops is not

a fraud and a crime ?And what about 'burniere'

or 'gump' who also has done the

same thing and also has touted the CMKX pump and dump as well as

Genemax and Jag Media holdings that also claimed to be a victim of

'naked shorting' ?

Have you noticed his appearance on gmxx board whenever I post and his

threats and that everyone knows this probable Canadian fraudster is

Davidson connected and CMKX fraud mining stock connected and has had

many other aliases as well?And he was claiming Genemax was being 'naked

shorted' as James Dale Davidson,Brent Pierce,and Grant Atkins ran the

pump and dump from Blaine,Washington years ago.What's so peculiar is

that you are the ones who could stop all this fraud but instead are

more concerned to prevent me from warning others on Ragingbull.Why ?

Have you investigated SIRIUS who has maintained his alias while

touting the frauds Genemax and Jag Media Holdings and raged hate

against Moslems

and 'liberals' on your 'gov' board ? And this group always hints they

can get people's aliases removed here as if they have some inside

track to Ragingbull management .Why is that ? Or are you even concerned

that David Patch and Rsagingbull's 'business' partner Gary Valinoti

of Jag Notes have been lying to your readers for years about 'naked

shorting' in order to defraud them ?

To the contrary of your claim it is this cyber fraud mafia you are

hosting here who are running scams and it is me both on Yahoo and

Ragingbull who has been threatened by them even hints of a

'machete'.Yes your little mafia here who you protect also work the

Yahoo scam boards as well and yes the pumps and dumps you host and

probable money laundering from unaudited shares IS big business and

criminal business.

Have you ever considered that if the mafia you host here did not work

so hard to get any alias I post under removed that maybe I would not

have to apply for another account to try and prevent them from

defrauding others with their fraudulent lies here ? Do you realise I

lost 100% of my substantial investment in James Dale Davidson

et.al.'s Endovasc fraud by way of listening to the insididers who

fraudulently tout with your approval on Endovasc ? Do you realise

David Patch is both Davidson of Agora Inc.,Baltimore and Gary

Valinoti of Jag Media Notes connected ? And do you realise Ragingbull

has actually signed a contract with Gary Valinoti in 2002 or 2003 to

work togather to promote penny stocks ?

It appears you want to draw suckers such as myself in as long as we

are good and useful suckers but when and if we catch on to the fraud

here and to the long time aliases you aid and abet to carry it out

then you work with them to cover up.Is that about the size of it ? Are

you going to get rid of David Patch and those associated aliases of

his now and Mark Faulking Liar(OF 'FAULKINGTRUTH.COM') and no longer allow them to tout pump

and dump scams as victims of 'naked shorting' then ?

Are you going to close the Endovasc board where only insiders to the

fraud now tout since you got rid of me ? Or do you want them to

defraud others which is why you are preventing me from warning others

? I have proof of my 100% losses there and that it was not the result

of 'naked shorting'but of a Schwab account filled with up to '30

million shares' and James Dale Davidson who is connected to the

supposed 'anti-naked short'penny stock touters you host here and promoted Genemax(named for his newsmax.com?)

through Agora Inc.with lies as your or his gang here touted simultaneously

both Genemax and Endovasc on ragingbull message boards.

I for the first time was able to draw attention to the fraud occuring

here because of the wolfblitzzer0 alias(do a google search 'wolfblitzzer0'.I actually believed I was

doing Ragingbull a favor by drawing some attention to the boards but

also by drawing some attention to the frauds that had been going down

here for years.My interest in UCSY was and is the transfer agent

Alexander Walker who has been involved in numerous penny stock frauds

that have been used to rob Americans and send the stolen money

offshore,Harvard Scientific, Brek Energy,Endovasc,Sulphco,UCSY,ARE


Now as Americans or whoever you are who make a good living in

America,I would like to ask you how you can even live with yourselves

knowing you have aided Endovasc to defraud and deceive using your

website ? How in this post 911 era are you not as shocked as I am

knowing that their promotion here has allowed the boiler room

Bellador Group to dump shares on defrauded Americans and others

through their Kuala Lumpur and Dubai operations ? Are you sure that what

you are allowing has not aided both money laundering and or support

for underworld and terrorist activities ?

If you are more interested in ending the fraud on Ragingbull I know a

lot and would be glad to help,but you are the one who really knows

what is happening here and it should be you who discloses it to the

SEC and others who may not even know there losses here were due to

cyberfraud orchestrated by alaises I've mentioned and many more.The

paradox is that Lycos began as a search engine and ended as a dark

alley where criminals find a home. Why ?You have the technology to

make the records all very searchable even conducive to google

searches yet you maintain Ragingbull as a dark alley for fraud and

refuse to use Lycos search engine tech or anyone else's for those who

might wish to use your archives to search for past and present penny

stock criminal activities occuring here.Why ?

So why not simply return my 'wolfblitzzer0' alias to me ? As you know

if I can't have access to posting here I cannot even see old posts

and do continuing research into this old and ongoing fraud Endovasc

and its ragingbull board have sucked me into.I really thought for a

while I would finally be able to maintain one.Also do a google search

of 'tony yahoo mafia cabby guatemala machete'. And no it does not matter

those threats occured on Yahoo these people whoever they are are using

both Ragingbull and Yahoo for there criminal stock fraud.And it must

be quite lucrative to attract people who will threaten the lives of

those they robbed in order to try and shut them up.Why do you allow

this why are you not outraged as I am ? Does that mean you see your

economic interests allied with this internet mafia who uses

RagingBull and Yahoo as hubs for their frauds rather than to the 'small

investor' who falls victim to them on RB and or Yahoo ?

So why would I need 'multiple aliases',don't I just post under one

one unless your mafia removes that one that I use to warn others ?

Are you then going to close the Endovasc board ? I believe all this

in the public record now opens you up for serious litigation if you

continue to aid and abet insiders to penny stock fraud.It is becoming

increasingly public knowledge and you can no longer pretend you

don't know who David Patch is or what he does on RB to promote penny

stock scams and defraud your readers here.And it is now public record

that Ragingbull has direct unethical connections at best to Gary

Valinoti of Jag Media Holdings who in turn has connections to both

David Patch who virtually runs the 'anti-naked shorting' fraud on

your website and uses it to direct potential marks to

investigatethesec' etc and James Dale Dale Davidson of Agora Inc.Baltimore and or 'Bob O'Brien'.

So for my part stop stalking my computer which belongs to a public

internet cafe by the way and stop blocking or harrassing me and

instead stop the fraud on ragingbull and close down the ragingbull

Endovasc board which is like so many on ragingbull aiding and

abetting fraud.You lie outright by singling me out as one who uses

'mulitple aliases' like I'm some kind of crook rather than a

defrauded investor'.And you know for a fact you allow the real

criminals to really use multiple aliases here.

You may do a google search of 'tony ryals ncans naanss'if you really

want to know what is going on.And you will see that under 'tony ryals

guatemala cabby machete',the kind of ragingbull 'clients'you really

serve.They are real,criminals,some with Beltway connections.Are you

proud ? You shouldn't be.


Tony Ryals

Dear RagingBull ,AGAIN

by Tony Ryals Tuesday November 15, 2005 at 01:49 PM

endoscam (at) lycos.com

Dear RagingBull,

The following was posted on offshorebusiness.com along with Gary Valinoti's conviction or settlement with the SEC for dumping undeclared shares and will be part of a new article I am writing where search engines really work,which is not on Lycos or ragingbull anywhere,I'm sorry to say.And all the while Valinoti was touting his worthless JAG MEDIA HOLDINGS SHARES ON RAGINGBULL.COM.Why and Why did you all who entered into business with him not notice ?

No wonder the frauds who operate on RB with impunity are able to get the defrauded who would complain as I have am removed to bring in the new 'marks' to defraud them.Are you proud ?And like I've said I am glad even anxious to quote anything RagingBull has to say in its defense regarding business deals with Gary Valinoti who has ran the 'anti-naked shorting' campaign along with David Patch and his MANY RB aliases here.Is David Patch so good a ragingbull scamster you cannot catch him and SIRIUS and the related group of aliases they use or who are part of the RAGINGBULL MESSAGE BOARD FRAUD TEAM ? Have you noticed the rabid hate of 'moslems' and arabs and 'liberals' SIRIUS posts on RB gov board between his scammy Jag Media Holdings TOUTS ? How many aliases does he really have ?

WHY COULDN'T YOU stop their fraudulent tout claims,most particlularly the 'naked short' fraud claim to divert naive investor attention away from massive penny stock dumping and probable money laundering for so many penny stock pumps and dumps here? Are you proud to have helped the Endovac fraud team to run a boiler room scam with unaudited shares in Kuala Lumpur through Bellador Group with its connections to Dubai ? In a post 911 era where we are all supposed to be concerned about aiding money laundering and possible terrorist fund raising through stocks,particularly penny stock operations,how can you live with yourselves ?


I noted once a 'jddavidson911'alias was removed immediately within hours after it appeared on RagingBull,that was proof for me that the PENNY STOCK AND POLITICAL fraud Davidson who made much use of RB for penny stock fraud over the years and or Agora Inc.have eyes and ears here still.

This is a bad joke,right ? Do you plan to end David Patch's and Jag Notes, or JAG MEDIA HOLDINGS SCAMS ON RB IN THE NEAR FUTURE OR CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THEM OR LOOK THE OTHER WAY AND PRETEND YOU DO NOT SEE ?!Or pretend those who try to expose them,or were derfrauded by them,are the criminals ?


Tony Ryals

The Lycos RagingBull & Jag Media Holdings connection

By will the fraud never end ? on 11/7/2005 9:32:50 PM

E-mail: endoscam (at) lycos.com

Lycos and Ragingbull 's Jag Media Holdings connection

The link below is a google cache of a Jag Media Holdings and Lycos RagingBull contract that color highlights 'lycos ragingbull massachusetts jag media ',but I post the entire contract here for others to see there is a Lycos ragingbull.com and Jag Media Holdings connection.

Jag Notes of Jag Media Holdings apppears to have involved itself over the years with unethical if not illegal touting of stocks whether it has had them as clients or simply has people in the background who decide and might benefit from touting certain stocks.

Someone like 'hunter' or 'jurisper' here on the offshorebusiness.com message board might be able to draw up a larger list but two stocks that come to mind recently are Charles Schwab the day before the London bombing with the false rumor that Schwab would be bought out by UBS or some Hong Kong bank I believe and then coincidentally but with less impact of inducing an upward price spiral was 'Bob O'Brien' and his NCANS' NFI coincidentally that jagnotes.com touted with the 'rumor' of a buy out by Warren Buffett !! Too bad the U.S.does not have an SEC or someone would investigate.

One thing unclear to me is what does this mean ? I always thought Lycos' ragingbull.com was just a message board service that had no business or economic incentive to promote or tout any stock although it is true they have a 'Lycos 50' which is a group of stocks they do promote.Are they paid by those companies to be in the 'Lycos 50' ? Would this cause a conflict of interest in running an unbiased stock message board site ?

Also Lycos RagingBull must know Mark Faulk of 'faulkingtruth' and David Patch of investigatethesec.com is on board on their penny scam 'message boards' including if not particularly on the Jag Media Holdings or 'JAGH' ragingbull.com message board fraudulently claiming to be a victim of 'naked shorting' even though we now know the SEC has cited or slapped the hand of its former CEO Gary L.Valinoti for dumping unreported shares !!

And it shouldn't be forgotten that 'Bob O'Brien' implicated him in an interview with WSJ's Carol Remond of being at least loosely connected with ncans.net.And the ragingbull jagh message board is where I first heard of the February 8 ad or letter re 'naked shorting and SS investments' in stocks to be placed in the Washington Post on February 7 the following day.

This is very strange to me and I never knew Lycos Ragingbull had made a deal or contract that apparently relates to promoting stocks of Lycos and Jag Media's tout clients on ragingbull.com.

And again David Patch after aiding James Dale Davidson et.al. in his illegal pump and dump and fraudulent claim of GMXX or Genemax as a victim of 'naked shorting' in 2002-2003 has done everything but sleep on the ragingbull.com jagh message board for years.Why is that and why are Dave Patch 'Bob O'Brien' and NCANS connected and also James Dale Davidson and GMXX connected and also Jag Media Holdings connected ? Does anyone have a clue ? And why has ragingbull and Lycos not sent David Patch and his investigatethesec.com and Mark Faulk and his faulkingtruth.com packing years ago for touting obviously illegal pump and dump scams on Lycos' RagingBull as victims of 'naked short selling' ? Does anybody know ?

Sample Business Contracts

Home: Sample Business Contracts:


This Agreement, dated as of February 14, 2002 (the "Effective Date"),

is made by and between Lycos, Inc., a Virginia corporation with a principal

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JAG Company Voice LLC, a Delaware limited liability company with a principal

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WHEREAS Lycos and its wholly owned subsidiaries are the owners or licensees of

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NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency

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their Videos). Lycos shall retain all revenue generated by pages on the Lycos

Network on which teasers are displayed.

1.3 Launch Date. For purposes of this Agreement, the "Launch Date"

shall refer to the date on which Lycos begins to display the Content on the

Lycos Network (as defined in Section 2 below). The Launch Date shall be

determined by Lycos in its sole discretion.

2. Revenue and Fees.

2.1 Advertising. Lycos shall have the exclusive right to sell

advertising on the Media Player and Lycos shall have the right to retain all

revenue generated therefrom.

2.2 Placement Fee. For each Video Package provided by Company to Lycos,

Company shall pay Lycos the greater of (a) $3,000.00 or (b) ten percent (10%) of

the revenue received by Company for creating such Video Package. For each Video

Package, Company shall pay such fee to Lycos at such time as Company provides

the first Video in such Video Package to Lycos.

3. Lycos Video. At no additional cost to Lycos, Company shall create a Video for

Lycos. The parties shall mutually agree on the production schedule for such

Lycos Video.

4. Exclusivity. During the Term of this Agreement, Company shall not provide any

of the Content in any form or manner nor grant any license to the Content to

America Online, Inc., Yahoo! Inc., or Microsoft Corporation.

5. Licenses. Company hereby grants to Lycos a non-exclusive, non-transferable

(except as provided herein), royalty-free, worldwide license to use, publicly

display, publicly perform, transmit, distribute and reproduce the Content on the

Lycos Network and on Other Technology (to the extent Company's clients permit

such use of their Viedos) during the Term (as defined in Section 10 below)

solely for the purposes described herein so that Lycos may exercise its rights

and perform its obligations hereunder. With respect to any music contained in

the Content, prior to such use, Company shall secure, at its sole cost and

expense, and pay for, all performing, duplication and/or recording rights

licenses, if any, necessary for


the use of such music in the method and manner herein contemplated, and shall

deliver to Lycos copies of all such licenses along with accurate music cue

sheets for all such music. Subject to the terms and conditions of this

Agreement, including Section 8.2 requiring prior written approval for any use,

Lycos hereby grants Company the right to reproduce and display the Lycos logo,

the Lycos Finance logo and the Raging Bull logo solely for the purposes

described herein and in accordance with Lycos' established trademark usage

policies and procedures. In addition, subject to the terms and conditions of

this Agreement, Company hereby grants Lycos, the right to reproduce and display

its logos, trademarks, trade names and other similar identifying material solely

for the purposes described herein and in accordance with its established

trademark usage policies and procedures. In connection with the licenses granted

hereunder, each party shall have the unilateral right to establish such quality

standards and additional terms and conditions concerning the use of its

trademarks as such party deems necessary to reasonably protect its trademarks.

Such licenses shall terminate automatically upon the effective date of

expiration or termination of this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement,

"Other Technology" shall mean technology used in connection with the provision

of content to third parties by any technological means, whether currently

existing or developed in the future, including but not limited to internet

protocol and wireless application protocol, and to any electronic device capable

of receiving such information such as computers, cellular phones, beepers,

hand-held devices and web television, and on any subdirectories or subdomains of

such sites.

6. Representations and Warranties.

6.1 Corporate Power. Each party represents and warrants that such party

is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the state of its

incorporation and has full corporate power and authority to enter into this

Agreement and to carry out the provisions hereof.

6.2 Due Authorization. Each party represents and warrants that such

party is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform

its obligations hereunder.

6.3 Binding Agreement. Each party represents and warrants that (i) this

Agreement is a legal and valid obligation binding upon it and enforceable with

its terms, and (ii) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement

does not conflict with any agreement, instrument or understanding, oral or

written, to which it is a party or by which it may be bound, nor violate any law

or regulation of any court, governmental body or administrative or other agency

having jurisdiction over it.

6.4 Intellectual Property Rights. Company represents and warrants that

(i) it has the full and exclusive right to grant Lycos the licenses granted

herein and to grant or otherwise permit Lycos to use Company's intellectual

property, including, without limitation, its trademarks, service marks and

logos, as necessary for Lycos to perform its obligations and exercise its rights

under this Agreement, and Company is aware of no claims by any third parties

adverse to any of such intellectual property rights; (ii) the Content does not,

and will not, violate or infringe upon the patent, copyright, literary, privacy,

publicity, trademark, service mark or any other personal or property right of

any person, nor will same violate any legal rights of any person or entity; and

(iii) it has obtained, and paid for if necessary, all licenses, consents and

approvals relating to all Content provided by a third party that are necessary

for Lycos to perform its obligations and exercise its rights under this

Agreement, and that it is responsible for obtaining, and paying, if necessary,

for any such licenses, consents and approvals during the Term. Each party will,

at its own expense, obtain and maintain any and all governmental authorizations,

licenses, registrations and filings that may be required under any applicable

laws to execute or perform this Agreement.

The representations and warranties and covenants in this Section 6 are

continuous in nature and shall be deemed to have been given by each party at

execution of this Agreement and at each stage of performance hereunder.









7. Indemnification; Insurance.

7.1 Indemnification. Each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless

the other party and the other party's officers, directors, shareholders,

employees, accountants, attorneys, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, successors

and assigns from and against any and all third party claims, damages,

liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees and expenses,

arising out of or related to any breach of any warranty, representation,

covenant or agreement made by the indemnifying party in this Agreement. In

addition, Company will defend, indemnify and hold harmless Lycos and its

officers, directors, shareholders, employees, accountants, attorneys, agents,

affiliates, subsidiaries, successors and assigns from and against any and all

third party claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including

reasonable legal fees and expenses, arising out of or related to (i) the

development, operation or maintenance of the Video Service and the Content; and

(ii) the use or misuse of, or reliance on, the Content by any user. The

foregoing indemnity is conditioned upon (i) prompt written notice by the

indemnified party to the indemnifying party of any claim, action or demand for

which indemnity is claimed; (ii) the opportunity for complete control of the

defense and settlement thereof by the indemnifying party; and (iii) such

reasonable cooperation by the indemnified party in the defense as the

indemnifying party may request.

7.2 Settlement. Neither party shall, without the prior written consent

of the other party, settle, compromise or consent to the entry of any judgment

with respect to any pending or threatened claim unless the settlement,

compromise or consent provides for and includes an express, unconditional

release of all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses,


including reasonable legal fees and expenses, against the indemnified party.

7.3 Insurance. For the length of the Term, Company shall cause Lycos to

be included as an "additional insured" on all of Company's relevant insurance

policies that provide coverage of any kind relating to or regarding the services

or content provided by or the goods and products sold by Company in accordance

with the terms of this Agreement. A copy of said policy and endorsement shall be

provided to Lycos on the Effective Date.

8. Press Releases and Offline Promotion.

8.1 Press Releases. No public statements concerning the existence or

terms of this Agreement will be made or released to any medium except with the

prior approval of both parties (which approval shall not be unreasonably

withheld or delayed) or as required by law.

8.2 Offline Promotion. In all of Company's promotion for the Video

Service (collectively, the "Advertising Materials") and subject to Lycos' prior

written approval, Company shall include a reference to the Lycos Site, Lycos

Finance and/or Raging Bull (the "Reference"). All References shall be at least

the same size and prominence of any similar statements or promotions for other

third parties mentioned or promoted in such Advertising Materials, and shall be

subject to Lycos prior approval. If Lycos objects to any Advertising Material

including the Reference, even if Lycos had the prior opportunity to review such

Advertising Material, Company shall use best efforts to remove the Reference

from such Advertising Material or modify the placement of the Reference to

Lycos' satisfaction.

9. Confidentiality. During the Term of this Agreement and thereafter, each party

will use and reproduce the other party's Confidential Information only for

purposes of this Agreement and only to the extent necessary for such purpose and

will restrict disclosure of the other party's Confidential Information to its

employees, consultants or independent contractors with a need to know and will

not disclose the other party's Confidential Information to any third party

without the prior written approval of the other party. Notwithstanding the

foregoing, it will not be a breach of this Agreement for either party to

disclose Confidential Information of the other party if required to do so under

law or in a judicial or other governmental investigation or proceeding, provided

the other party has been given prior notice and the disclosing party has sought

all available safeguards against widespread dissemination prior to such

disclosure. As used in this Agreement, the term "Confidential Information"

refers to: (i) the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (ii) each party's

trade secrets, business plans, strategies, methods and/or practices; and (iii)

any other information relating to either party or its business that is not

generally known to the public, including but not limited to information about

either party's personnel, products, customers, marketing strategies, services or

future business plans. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information

specifically excludes (A) information that is now in the public domain or

subsequently enters the public domain by publication or otherwise through no

action or fault of the other party; (B) information that is known to either

party without restriction, prior to receipt from the other party under this

Agreement, from its own independent sources as evidenced by such party's

written records, and which was not acquired, directly or indirectly, from the

other party; (C) information that either party receives from any third party

reasonably known by such receiving party to have a legal right to transmit such

information, and not under any obligation to keep such information confidential;

and (D) information independently developed by either party's employees or

agents provided that either party can show that those same employees or agents

had no access to the Confidential Information received hereunder.

10. User Information. Any and all information to be provided by or gathered from

users of the Lycos Network shall be owned solely by Lycos. It is expressly

understood that to the extent that Lycos provides Company with access to its

user information database(s), all such access shall be solely so that Company

may perform its obligations under this Agreement and for no other purpose, and

all such access shall require Lycos' express approval.

11. Term. The term ("Term") of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective

Date and continue for two (2) years from the Launch Date unless terminated

earlier as provided below.

12. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement (a) if the other

party files a petition for bankruptcy, becomes insolvent, or makes an assignment

for the benefit of its creditors, or a receiver is appointed for the other party

or its business; (b) upon the occurrence of a material breach of a material

provision by the other party if such breach is not cured within thirty (30) days

after written notice is received by the breaching party identifying the matter

constituting the material breach; or (c) by mutual consent of the parties. Lycos

may terminate this Agreement for any or no reason on thirty (30) days written

notice, and Company may terminate this Agreement for any or no reason on sixty

(60) days written notice. In the event that this Agreement is terminated

pursuant to the prior sentence, Company shall immediately pay to Lycos any

placement fees due and payable pursuant to Section 2.2 hereof which are unpaid

as of the effective date of such termination. Lycos may terminate this Agreement

or suspend its performance under this Agreement, which termination or suspension

shall take immediate effect, if the Content violates or fails to comply with any

applicable law or regulation, or violates the rights of any third party. In

addition, if Company fails to pay to Lycos any amount due Lycos under this

Agreement when such amount is due, Lycos may terminate this Agreement

immediately upon the sending of written notice in accordance with Section 18.

13. Relationship of Parties. Company and Lycos are independent contractors under

this Agreement, and nothing herein will be construed to create a partnership,

joint venture or agency relationship between them. Neither party has authority

to enter into agreements of any kind on behalf of the other.

14. Choice of Law and Forum. This Agreement, its interpretation, performance or

any breach thereof, will be construed in accordance with, governed by, and all

questions with respect thereto will be determined by, the laws of the

Commonwealth of Massachusetts applicable to contracts entered into and wholly to

be performed within said state. Each party hereby consents to the personal

jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, acknowledges that venue is

proper in any state or Federal court in the Commonwealth of


Massachusetts, agrees that any action arising out of or related to this

Agreement must be brought exclusively in a state or Federal court in the

Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and waives any objection it has or may have in

the future with respect to any of the foregoing.

15. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the

parties hereto with respect to the transactions and matters contemplated hereby,

supersedes all previous agreements between the parties concerning the subject

matter, and cannot be amended except by a writing signed by authorized

representatives of both parties. No party hereto has relied on any statement,

representation or promise of any other party or with any other officer, agent,

employee or attorney for the other party in executing this Agreement except as

expressly stated herein.

16. Counterparts and Facsimile Signatures. This Agreement may be executed in

multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all

of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Facsimile

signatures will be considered original signatures.

17. Limitations of Liability. EXCEPT FOR BREACHES OF SECTION 9 OR 20 HEREOF, OR












18. Notices. All notice required to be given under this Agreement must be given

in writing and delivered either in hand, by certified mail, return receipt

requested, postage prepaid, or by Federal Express or other recognized overnight

delivery service, all delivery charges pre-paid, and addressed:

If to Lycos: Lycos, Inc.

400-2 Totten Pond Road

Waltham, MA 02451

Attention: General Counsel

Fax No.: (781) 370-3433

If to Company: JAG Company Voice LLC

6865 S.W. 18th Street, Suite B13

Boca Raton, FL 33433

Attention: Executive Vice President

Fax No.: (561) 393-6018

All notices hereunder shall be deemed to be given or made when received (or upon

refusal of delivery).

19. Survival. All terms of this Agreement, which by their nature extend beyond

its termination, remain in effect until fulfilled and apply to respective

successors and assigns.

20. Non-Solicitation and Other Restrictions. During the Term, and for a period

of twelve (12) months thereafter, Company shall not, directly or indirectly,

hire, solicit, seek to employ, engage, or retain as an officer, employee,

consultant, or otherwise, any Lycos officer, employee or consultant of Lycos (a

"Lycos Employee") or any such person who in the preceding twelve (12) months had

been a Lycos Employee.

21. Severability. Each provision of this Agreement shall be severable from every

other provision of this Agreement for the purpose of determining the legal

enforceability of any specific provision.

22. Assignment, Binding Effect. Neither Lycos nor Company may assign this

Agreement or any of its rights or delegate any of its duties under this

Agreement without the prior written consent of the other. Notwithstanding the

foregoing, Lycos may assign this Agreement to any successor of Lycos or any

parent, affiliate, subsidiary, or other entity which is controlled by, controls

or is under common control with Lycos, and Company may assign this Agreement to

any successor of Company or any parent, affiliate, subsidiary, or other entity

which is controlled by, controls or is under common control with Company as long

as such entity is not a competitor of Lycos or any entity affiliated with Lycos.

Executed as an instrument under seal as of the date first written above:


By: /S/ Stephen J. Schoepfer


Name: Stephen J. Schoepfer

Title: President & Chief Operating Officer


By: /S/ Brian D. Lucy


Name: Brian D. Lucy

Title: CFO



[Exhibit 1.2 of executed copy contains two (2) screen shots of initial Company

Voice placement on Lycos Finance]

----- Original Message -----

From: "support_finance_web_ls (at) support.lycos.com "

To: "william knowles"

Subject: Re: : Report a Bug (KMM26243990V37022L0KM)

Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 10:33:14 -0500


> Hello,


> Your account(s) have been deactivated for being in violation of Raging

> Bull's Terms of Service. Multiple alias are in violation of Raging

> Bull's Terms of Service.


> You may view the Terms of Service at the link below:

> http://www.lycos.com/lycosinc/legal.html"> http://www.lycos.com/lycosinc/legal.html#Quote"> http://www.lycos.com/lycosinc/legal.html



> Thanks for your support of Raging Bull.


> Regards,

> Raging Bull Team, part of the Lycos Network


Litigation Release No. 19407 / September 29, 2005

Securities and Exchange Commission v. Gary L. Valinoti, Civil Action No. 1:05CV01922 (D.D.C.) (JR)

SEC Sues Former CEO and President of Jag Media Holdings, Inc. for Making Unregistered Sales and Transfers of Securities

On September 29, 2005, the Commission filed a civil injunctive action in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia against Gary L. Valinoti, the former CEO, president and chairman of the board of directors of Jag Media Holdings, Inc. ("Jag Media"), for making unregistered sales and transfers of securities of the company in violation of Section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933 ("Securities Act").

The Commission's complaint alleges that a privately-held company, of which Valinoti was an officer, reverse merged with a publicly-traded shell company in March 1999 to become JagNotes.com (subsequently renamed Jag Media). The complaint further alleges that an officer of the publicly-traded shell company arranged for 250,000 shares of the shell company to be sold to Valinoti in connection with the merger. According to the complaint, the sale of 250,000 shares to Valinoti was not registered with the Commission, as required under Section 5 of the Securities Act.

The Commission's complaint further alleges that Valinoti improperly realized $1.83 million by selling 130,000 of his 250,000 shares on the Nasdaq over-the-counter bulletin board ("OTCBB") between March and April 1999. The complaint also alleges that, between April and June 1999, Valinoti: (i) transferred 112,000 of his 250,000 shares as consideration for an ownership interest in another company; and (ii) transferred an additional 6000 shares to a public relations firm as compensation for services rendered to JagNotes.com. The sales and transfers for value, the complaint alleges, were not registered with the Commission, as required under Section 5 of the Securities Act. According to the complaint, within one year of having received the 118,000 shares from Valinoti, the transferees subsequently sold them on the OTCBB for approximately $1.1 million.

Is Lycos RagingBull, Waltham,Ma. profiting from penny stock scams,money laundering ?


James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia


Agora Inc.meets George Tenet in New Orleans,touts penny stock for CIA


e-mail:: endoscam@lycos.com


We NEED news.

It is amazing to me we even have a bid considering the state we are in.

Has anyone heard from Tom lately?

>> Fuge <<

...Another dram please .....

Thursday, March 23, 2006

More on the Criminals...

Posted by: vicsteele
In reply to: None Date:3/23/2006 4:38:07 PM
Post #of 2158 (I*Hub JPHC Board)

Thought this article might be of interest and help us make more money.
I'm new to penny stocks,so maybe this will help other newbies.Anyway,
I found it interesting.

Weekly Thoughts: Learn How to Play the Game: Invest Wisely and Trade Smartly

The savvy long-term investors never chase stocks up. For the most part that is
momentum players and daytraders where most of it or what follows is dumb
money. Instead the long-term investors use a couple of simple strategies in
order to position themselves. One is to find a stock no one immediately sees
has huge potential and accumulate. Long-term investors are not interested in
trading against the public mind or the dumb money. That's where the majority
of the money can be made but even more can be made if the base of a stock is
held extremely strong by investors. However the second is not to doubt the
research which is the underlying basis for going long and holding.

More and more investors are winning the game nowadays despite all bashers that
float through the Internet that has become part of the game. Floor traders of
market makers often watch CNBC, news wires and bulletin boards in order to
follow the market during trading session. OTC BB market makers (MMs) don't use
fundamental and technical analysis. However, what they do realize is a lot of
dumb money does use this newest nitch charting or TA (Technical Analysis) to
run a stock either up or down. To the MMs this is like taking candy from a
baby. Simply they will paint the tape and use whatever tactic to affect the
charting bands. Thus the public and dumb money they will have eating out of
their hands. Effectively the MMs can show a strong stock growing weak by
manipulating the close price in order to generate selling volume, delaying
trading time to manipulate trading activities, or even stalling the ask
without honoring orders to hold a stock price.

MMs follow a simple code of business when making a market in a stock
especially an OTC BB. That is the level that stocks will seek that yields the
most volume. Now this is very important because they make money on the volume
buying at the bid and selling at the ask. In other words, by making the market
they are buying low and selling high. Now smart money adheres to that rule, so
do all the market makers. They could careless whether the stock is at $83 or
at $0.23. All they care about is the action thus being able to sell stock at
the offer (The high) and buy stock at the bid (The low). To increase their
profitability, they make the spread as great as possible on as many shares as
they can especially if the volume falls off.

When they have mostly all "buy" orders, that's not the price that's going to
yield the most volume. They need both buy and sells to get the maximum action.
Remember, MMs play the volume. If the volume decreases and there are mostly
Buys that become a one way volume, Buy volume. So what they do is let the
stock run up to a price where it runs out of steam. They fill all the buy
orders there that they can and then comes the pullback one way or another
naturally or induced. During the pull back they can buy tons of shares and
flip them to those averaging down or trying to catch the bounce. At some
price, the stock will be relatively stable and yield the most volume. Now that
is the average price you will see

The average price is the point where a stock seeks a level where MMs can
profit on the most volume. So during the day that is the price that MMs and
momentum/day traders want to see the stock at. Why? Because they know the
public and dumb money was chasing the price thing up. Most of the time, the
MMs love a flurry of Market Orders which is a dead sign of an artificial run
or momentum. Merely it is money in the bank for them. Most get hung in a
momentum or day trade or by the tactics of Market makers, who are in the
business to screw the public every chance they get and the NASD is not going
to do anything about it. They are merely making the market liquid is there

The market makers have created an added complication to the OTCBB's chaos of
the already volatile intra-day price movements created by dumb money, momentum
and day-traders. MMs can not relate to long-term holders in the OTC BB. That
makes absolutely no sense what so ever. They feel a large percentage of trades
in the OTC BB market consist of short-term or day-trades, MMs merely view the
barrage of buy and sell orders as relatively neutral to the market. How they
figure it is when the average dumb money buys shares in a company, the MMs
feel or rather know with some certainty it is very likely that dumb money will
want to sell back those shares relatively quick on the slightest drop.

Now somewhat comfortable with this logic the MMs merely short sells into the
buying and attempts to take the stock down in an effort to "shake out" the
weak. Since it is tough to know for sure whether a move is the beginning of a
trend, or a routine shake out, this type of deception works quite well for the
MMs. What the long-termers do to a stock is surprise the MMs because instead
of falling the shorting has no effect and the price goes up. Now that puts the
MM at selling low through shorting and thus having to buy high in order to

Boy, when this happens, the MMs are not very happy campers. The investors and
traders are supposed to be doing that no them. Now it becomes time to pull out
every trick and tactic in the book in order to attempt to get a Bear Raid at
every dollar mark or percent from where the stock started. Could be a penny in
smaller priced securities? What MMs do is give you a chance to make a small
amount of money for your momentum and day trading style by shorting it at
these levels and trying to get a bear raid each time. Each failure is
compounding the MMs short position so they let it go to the next level. Now
come more deliberate tactics MMs use to coerce Bear Raid or panic selling.

Once the MM is caught short and the strength of the buy is overpowering the MM
will want to cover his short position. So the MMs call up one of his friendly
MMs and says some like "the weather is sure rough today." The MM along with
the other "friendly MM initiates a down tick about the same time. Now this can
also be done with a certain amount of shares such as an infamous 100 shares
flag. This down tick gives the illusion of weakness designed to hopefully
begin the bear raid of selling. The fickle, fearful, day trader, momentum and
short term begin to sell out allowing the MM to cover his short position at
lower prices. They will move it down quickly to get it to a price of least
financial damage. Problem they have is long-term investors in the OTC BB. They
start accumulating and buying comes flying in when they take it too far thus
the MMs took it to the point of volume again and not only investors the other
MMs step in the make money on the spread.

Alas the poor MM does not get to cover. Now comes various tactics like
stalling, boxing, or even locking the Bid and Ask for a while.

Of course, MMs aggressively deny any sort of collusion designed to fix quotes
or spreads, but a recent SEC investigation tells another story.

MMs have a vast resource of tactics and it would take probably more than my
lifetime to figure them all out.

So how do investors somehow manage to overcome the obvious deception in OTCBB
arena? One answer is indirection trading style by going long which the MMs do
not expect. In the war between investors and public companies on the OTC BB vs
the MMs, if the MMs have all the advantages due to position or other factors,
direct confrontation such as momentum or day trading hitting the stock is a
definite death sentence.

However, an indirect approach tends to weaken the path of least resistance
before slowly overcoming it. The most effective way is long-term investors
slowly accumulating and holding thus drawing the MMs out of its defenses
making them as naked as their short position. This is war so this slow
accumulation and holding for the long term easily achieves the desired effect
to force MMs to cover and knock off the tactics or bury themselves deeper.

The MMs when caught will especially use every trick and tactic in the book to
get a Bear Raid thus playing on the individual fear of most people. The MMs
feel they have information and position advantages over the investors as long
as the holding of the stock is in weak hands or short term holders. Since they
are OTC BB MMs who believe all OTCBB companies are not worth investing and
management is ineffective regardless what is happening within the company.
Furthermore, MMs know they are in the position to impose a great deal of
influence in OTC BB stocks trading when it suits their needs.

This inherent power of position enables the MMs to move the markets at any
time up or down. As a result, the only way to draw them out of their favorable
position is going long. Now this does not mean just any company but to
effectively nail the MMs, Longs must find the great company on the floor and
accumulate long before the MM tactics and games begin.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My Thoughts-

Posted by: fugeguyIn reply to: J_Livermore who wrote msg# 890 (From the I*Hub QRVI board)

Date:3/22/2006 11:02:50 AMPost #of 894


The idea of test sells is see what is really happening in the market- not to sell all your stock! In pinkyland the MM's can post virtually anything they want- there is no oversight and the MM's are shameless.

Also, if you can buy and/ or sell at the ask to me that means we have fair and open transactions between investors. If you must overbid to buy and/ or underbid to sell that means we have a manipulated market...

It is not uncommon to see a stock posting huge volume but when you try to buy in you cannot get shares. Well then I will try to sell- but no dice there either. That would tell me that Mavis and Mabel are up to something and the ticker more resembles a movie (being produced and directed by people unknown but undoubtedly for some nefarious purpose) than a factual document.

>> All my opinion <<>> As always, IMHO <<

More Fingerprints

By: briarhopper1 (RB JPHC Board)
22 Mar 2006, 09:26 AM EST
Msg. 38792 of 38799
(This msg. is a reply to 38787 by kidneydr.)
Jump to msg. #

Day traders accused in securities fraud scheme
3/21/2006 4:36:13 PM

Several former and current officers, directors, and managers of a Manhattan day trading firm were charged Tuesday in a superseding indictment with participating in a ''front-running'' securities fraud scheme that generated more than $800,000 in illegal profits, prosecutors said.

New charges were filed against Robert F. Malin, vice chairman and president of A.B. Watley Group Inc., and Linus Nwaigwe, the company's director of compliance and a former National Association of Securities Dealers compliance examiner; Michael A. Picone, Watley's former chief operating officer, and Keevan H. Leonard, Watley's former supervisor of proprietary trading.

Also named in the superseding indictment were several people originally indicted in August 2005. They include Kenneth E. Mahaffy, Jr., a former Merrill Lynch & Co. and Citigroup Global Markets Inc. stock broker; Timothy J. O'Connell, a former Merrill stock broker; and David G. Ghysels, Jr., a former Lehman Brothers stock broker.

In addition to the criminal charges, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed a civil complaint against Malin, Nwaigwe, Picone and Leonard.

''Front-running'' occurs when stock brokers inform traders outside the brokerage firm, such as day traders, that a customer of the brokerage firm has placed a large order to buy or sell a particular stock, prosecutors said. The information allows day traders to trade in the same stock before the customer's order is executed, in anticipation of a movement in price. As a result, the firm's customers often do not obtain as favorable a price as they might have.

Steven Scaring, counsel for Mahaffy, has not seen the new indictment yet, but expects that his client will plead not guilty to it as he did to the original indictment.

''We will try to get this case tried as soon as possible. Mr. Mahaffy fully expects to be vindicated,'' Scaring said.

O'Connell's lawyer, Mildred Whalen, also said she hadn't seen the superseding indictment. ''But it is my understanding that there are no new charges against Mr. O'Connell, that the new indictment added on defendents,'' she said.

Jerry Bernstein, attorney for Robert Malin, said his client was falsly accused and will fight the charges. Ghysels' lawyer, Jeff Hoffman, declined to comment until he obtains a copy of the indictment from the U.S. Attorney's Office.

Lawyers representing Nwaigwe, Picone and Leonard were unavailable for comment.

The superseding indictment unsealed Tuesday alleges that between January 2002 and February 2004, Mahaffey, O'Connell, Ghysels and Coughlin routinely provided day traders at three New York City-based day trading firms with customer order information, which was disseminated through internal speaker systems, known as ''squawk boxes.''

Some of the brokers also accepted cash bribes from the day traders in exchange for squawk box access, prosecutors said.

The superseding indictment alleges that the day traders profited from the scheme by trading ahead of the large orders that were broadcast through the squawk boxes. When the squawk boxes disseminated information concerning a large sell order for a particular stock, the day traders would ''short sell'' the same securities before the larger order was executed.

Either way, the day traders profited from the movement in price, prosecutors said.

''By bribing unscrupulous stock brokers, the former A.B. Watley managers and day traders who were charged today were able to secretly tap into a steady flow of extremely valuable, confidential information from some of Wall Street's most well known institutions,'' U.S. Attorney Roslynn Mauskopf said in a statement.

Prosecutors also announced Tuesday that Paul F. Coughlin, another former Merrill broker, and William B. Deakins, a former Watley day trader, pleaded guilty to related charges of conspiracy to commit securities fraud for their roles in the scheme. Ralph D. Casbarro, another former Citigroup broker, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit securities fraud last October.

Attorneys for Coughlin and Deakins were also unavailable for comment.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

More Shorts


The Short & Distort Scheme

Stage I: Monitoring: In stage I of a Short & Distort scheme, Short groups Monitor spikes in volumes on stocks with no rumors.

Stage 2: Flagging: Shorts Flag stocks that run up then sits back and wait patiently for their time.

Stage 3: Preparation: The Shorters research the company and develop their Distortion of the rumors to be used later.

Stage 4: Actual Shorting: The shorts step in, selling on every possible up tick. This is the Reverse of front loading. Preparations are made to attack the guy who had earlier written positively about the company and take out, discredit, any new long-term champions or messengers.

Stage 5: Distortion Campaign: The shorts step in and increase selling on every possible up tick. Just as with the pump, newsletters, e-mail, PR firms against P & D, etc. are simulated. Expertise in the field is recruited for credibility. Any possible twist using POS (Purposely Omitted Syntax) and PAS (Purposely Added Syntax) is conveniently used on every possible angle. If the POS/PAS is discovered then attack the messenger.

Above all control the message boards. The group clutters the message boards so no positive information can be readily found. Justification is the Value of the Company in the market. Projections of $0.00 worth and loss projections of 100%.

Note: The market manipulator will do everything in his/her power to keep buyers OUT OF THE STOCK. Cut your losses is touted to stimulate fear. You bought higher but now they need you to sell lower.

Stage 6: Pressure: The shorts have taken it too far. The volume is increasing and the price is not effectively dropping. A stalemate occurs. Personal attacks increase. Threats of legal action, SEC involvement, and yes even death threats increase. Increased secret IDs are employed to increase the cluttering, personal attacks and the distortion. So begins a string of lies that run for as long as one's stomach can take it. Desperately playing on the "you have been had" scenario. Any new news will be hit hard by Shorters to kill any interest.

Note: Watch the volume not the share price. A market manipulator will have various brokers buying and selling the stock to give the APPEARANCE of increasing volume but the price goes down. Thus stimulating the story the company is selling or an off shore Reg S or other convenient scenario. Watch for large blocks that show up but have an MM special code, crossovers, etc.

Stage 7: The Cover: Without warning, the buying pressure is too much and the short begins to cover. Short covering combined with new investors buying into the stock causes the stock to go up. Often the whole thing starts again. Just a vicious cycle sometimes. Comment: While all questionable MM activities may not be able to be stopped, widespread knowledge of their modus operandi may discourage some of their more blatant behavior. They know the investing public is aware of what they are doing and looking over their shoulder, while they fight to reform a system corrupt enough to permit such widespread MMM in the first place.



January 8, 2001 Nancy A. Condon NASD Regulation Bars John Fiero, Expels Fiero Brothers, Inc., and Imposes $1 Million Fine For Illegal Short Sales, Market Manipulation and Extortion Washington, D.C.

NASD Regulation, Inc., today announced that an NASD Regulation Hearing Panel barred John Fiero, expelled his firm, Fiero Brothers, Inc. and ordered a fine of $1 million for engaging in a fraudulent short selling, extortion and manipulation scheme. On Feb. 6, 1998, NASD Regulation filed a complaint against Fiero and other co-conspirators alleging that they colluded to drive down the price of 10 Nasdaq securities underwritten by now-defunct Hanover Sterling & Co. during January 1995, and February 1995, through illegal short selling of those securities. This "bear raid" scheme involved Fiero and others obtaining nearly 1 million shares, units and warrants from Hanover Sterling at below market prices through the use of threats and coercion to cover their illegally-created short positions.

Ultimately, the short selling scheme led to the failure of Hanover Sterling on Feb. 24, 1995, which was quickly followed by the collapse of its clearing firm, Adler, Coleman Clearing Corp., and the appointment of a Security Investors Protection Corporation trustee for Adler Coleman. In the decision, the Hearing Panel found that Fiero participated in an extortion scheme by purchasing $12.1 million of securities from Hanover, at prices $866,500 below the then-prevailing market price.

Fiero used these securities to cover his firm’s short positions, and resold the rest, primarily to other short sellers involved in the scheme. Hanover agreed to sell the discounted securities to Fiero in attempt to end the shorting of the stocks. The Hearing Panel also found that Fiero violated short selling rules from Jan. 20 through Feb 23, 1995 by failing to make the required affirmative determinations prior to engaging in short sales of the Hanover Sterling stocks. NASD rules restrict "naked" short sales, that is selling a stock short without ensuring that the stock can be borrowed or otherwise provided for by settlement date, also known as an affirmative determination. The Hearing Panel concluded that Fiero was not entitled to the market maker exemption from the affirmative determination rule during the time his firm was registered as a market maker because it was not engaged in bona fide market-making transactions. Fiero manipulated the market for the Hanover securities through his purchases and resale of the extorted stock and his illegal, naked short selling. Unless the matter is appealed to NASD Regulation National Adjudicatory Council (NAC), or called for review by the NAC, the Hearing Panel's decision becomes final after 45 days. The sanctions imposed by the Hearing Panel are not effective during this period. If the decision is appealed or called for review, the sanctions may be increased, decreased, modified, or reversed. The litigation of this case was conducted by the Enforcement Department with assistance from NASD Regulation Market Regulation Department. This matter was investigated by the Market Regulation Department with assistance from the Enforcement Department and NASD Regulation New York, Denver, Atlanta and Chicago Offices. Investors can obtain more information and the disciplinary record of any NASD-registered broker or brokerage firm by calling (800) 289-9999, or by sending an e-mail through NASD Regulation Web Site, www.nasdr.com . NASD Regulation oversees all U.S. stockbrokers and brokerage firms. NASD Regulation, The American Stock Exchange? NASD Dispute Resolution, Inc. and The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., are all subsidiaries of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., the largest securities-industry self-regulatory organization in the United States.

Again- Sound Familiar?



Message boards such as Yahoo and Silicon Investor give investors the opportunity to share their views and comments as they may relate to a specific stocks or general investing. It also allows vindictive former employees, competitors, stock manipulators and others to publicly post their negative messages. Negative message posters are generally referred to as "bashers". In most cases these negative posters have "shorted" a certain stock and want to do all that they can to see the stock price move downward. You will find that most negative posters generally work in teams and will often exchange passwords with each other.

When a certain stock comes under fire by groups of negative posters, there is almost always a negative effect on the company that is under attack. The negative posters or bashers will usually have a specific plan of attack. Not only will they post negative messages, they will also send messages to the SEC and other governmental agencies with unfounded and baseless allegations. They will often times contact suppliers and customers of the targeted company and flood them with negative information about the targeted company. The plan of the basher is to create havoc and cause sincere investors to lose confidence in the targeted company. In most circumstances negative posters are loosely organized although they rarely work alone. The negative posters are easy to find and will generally attack companies with weak fundamentals. In many cases they will work hand in hand with journalists, who thrive on negative journalism and hatchet job articles.

Is posting negative information about a company on public message boards illegal? Absolutely not, but there are applicable rules and laws that apply to the posting of information on public message boards. Intentional misinformation is actionable by governmental authorities, especially if it has an effect on the trading price of a security. You will find that all message boards and chat rooms have detailed terms of service (TOS). These are the basic rules that posters must adhere to when posting on specific sites. When a poster violates the TOS, there is a procedure to follow for reporting the said violation to the service provider. Our investigators have used this procedure very effectively and have been directly responsible for having certain postings removed from message boards (ones that were in violation of the TOS) and in many cases we have been effective in removing posters from message boards, for violating the TOS. Almost all message boards will have an icon to report terms of service violations. What we have found to be effective is to report the TOS violations to the service provider and then we will generally follow up with a letter from our legal staff which documents the TOS violations and their effect. This entire process takes about ten days and has proven to be very effective. Message board bashing is not common to only U.S. listed companies. Stock bashing coupled with naked shorting has been a very common occurrence with companies listed on various exchanges in Taiwan, China, Singapore, and Hong Kong; and have had a much more devastating effect than in the U.S. Most of our work has revolved around working with public companies in Asia.

Some basic rules of thumb in dealing with negative posters is to never directly interact with them. They are not your friends. They are not your pen pals. They generally lie and mis-represent the truth. Generally they are posting with the specific intent of hurting the company, financially and ultimately hurting your investment. Never engage in e-mail communication with the bashers and never ever base an investment decision on information posted on public message boards. Do your own independent due dilligence before investing.

This exclusive report has been prepared by Asiavest investigators: Andy Chen (Taipei), Joyce Lu (Beijing) and Frank Taylor (Los Angeles).

Copyright 2003 Asiavest Investigative Services. All Rights Reserved.

Message Boards




There are a variety of financial message boards and chat rooms available on the internet. The most popular of these boards are Yahoo, Silicon Investor, and Raging Bull. Pick out a trading symbol, almost any trading symbol and you should be able to find an appropriate message board or chat room. When you find the right board you may find everything from professional pump and dump artists to criminals that have [naked] shorted the stock you have selected (remember shorting a stock is not illegal, but naked shorting is!). Profound statements such as THIS STOCK WILL SOON BE HALTED to NEW SALES ARE GOING TO PUSH THIS STOCK PRICE THRU THE ROOF, will be found posted on many of these message board sites. Some of the posters are sincere investors and others are outright criminals. Most posters use screen names or aliases to protect their true identity. As you search through the various message boards you will find such aliases as PUMPANDDUMP, MMMARY, iamgumby,tidewaters, janiceshell, janice456, scion, stockwizzard, truthseeker, scambuster, mamabear, pluvia, observer, backman, 200mph, tooldude, ripalips, riplipz, pilapir (ripalip backwards), and the list goes on and on. In many cases, the same poster may have an unlimited number of aliases and can often be found on message boards, posting and answering messages to themselves under various aliases. It is also common to share passwords with associates, allowing for numerous individuals to post under a "common" screen name. They would like you to believe that their motivation for posting on the boards is to either steer you towards a great investment, or alert you to a scam. The reality is that "most" have a self interest for posting and in most cases that self interest can be measured in monetary terms. Many of these posters are even compensated to post on the boards by individuals, market makers and companies attempting to manipulate certain stocks.
The boards are monitored by a variety of governmental and quasi-governmental agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. We ourselves, generally will have investigators monitoring various message boards and chat rooms, at any given time. Our investigators get to know people by surfing and reading a history of their posts. We are assisted in this effort by certain resources provided by various message boards. The primary concern in monitoring these message boards, is to protect the interests of our clients. In addition, monitoring of the boards is often times a source of information utilized in conducting our investigations.

Never believe what is posted on public message boards, do your own due diligence. The reason for this is that there is no pre-verification process for information posted on these message boards and it is a fact that many of the posters are fraudsters, stock manipulators, convicted felons, vindictive ex-employees, people who have lost money on a certain stock and outright criminals. Basically they can post whatever they like, with little or no recourse. Most posters will hide behind the First Ammendment of the Constitution. Others plead ignorance, which in many cases is very applicable!

Control over what is posted on public message boards is governed by First Amendment Rights and the general right to freedom of expression. There have been a number of lawsuits initiated against message board posters and those suits have generally been decided in favor of the posters (Defendants). Often times you will find posters claiming to have been libeled, although the courts have held that an anonymous poster can not be legally libeled.

Our general opinion of message board posting is that in many instances the postings tend to victimize the company or harm sincere investors. The negative aspects certainly appear to outweigh the positive. Because of recent criminal cases, there has been more attention directed to message board postings, by certain enforcement agencies. Also, new computer technology both in the governmental and private sectors has allowed for the shield of anonymity to fade away on many message board posters. The value in identifying message board posters is that when and if they cross the line between freedom of expression and criminal activity, they can appropriately be dealt with. Many posters fall in the category of being outright criminals. These are the ones that feel hurting a company or investors is nothing more than a financial game, until they cross the line and feel the long arm of the law and the rath of corporate entities that fight back. In our opinion, public message boards are one of the most flagrant facilitators for stock manipulation.

Copyright 2003 Asiavest Investigative Services. All Rights Reserved.

Anyone You Know?



September 7, 2003

Our web site and our various articles on message board posting have been fortunate enough to gain a great deal of attention over the past several months. Information on our web site has seemed to have struck a nerve with a certain criminal enterprise and their followers. We have received e-mails and telephone calls from members of the enterprise, in an attempt to threaten and intimidate our investigators. All messages and public postings from these intimidators have been documented and forwarded to the appropriate authorities. You would think that it would be enough that certain key players in this certain criminal enterprise are under federal indictment, but apparently they are gluten for punishment and continue with their tactics of intimidation, public threats and spreading of mis-information. Take their "leader" for example, a well known short seller and convicted felon. Even though he is awaiting trial on a variety of charges including RICO violations, he still continues to post on public message boards while out on bail and awaiting trial; but then again, no one ever said criminals were smart!

After having several interactions with governmental officials, we are certain that message boards are monitored by governmental agencies. An anonymous government source revealed that his agency follows the activities of certain public boards, on a daily basis and that they have infiltrated certain private sites; and that they keep a running history of chat logs. If we know this, then the criminals must also know it; so why would they continue posting their threats and intimidating messages? Why would they copy and post information that is protected by copyright? Why would someone under indictment continue to follow the very same pattern of activities that got him indicted, in the first place? Why would these people openly and publicly threaten government witnesses, even after being warned? Why would certain people criticize the United States government and engage in a continuing pattern of intimidation and criminal activity? Why would people that have been alluded to, as being terrorists, continue to act like terrorists? Why, because they are STUPID!

We have also been accused (by members of the criminal element, other short sellers, and a certain group of message board posters) of violating certain SEC rules because we have openly admitted to monitoring public message boards, both as a personal investigative resource and to protect the legal interests of our clients. We herewith reiterate the point that “we do” monitor certain message boards and this is done to protect the interest of clients and to gather information and evidence to be used in both civil and criminal proceedings, and public disclosure does not apply. We also reiterate that when certain posters violate the stated Terms of Service for message board postings, “we do” follow stated procedures in having false and misleading posts removed and posters tossed, and we will continue to do so. This option is open to all who participate in viewing and posting on message boards.

As noted, many of our articles have been copied and posted on public message boards (eventhough the material is original and protected works) and this has helped to make more people aware of certain pitfalls of information posted on message boards. In addition to drawing attention to certain message board posters, it has also exposed a certain element for what they are; criminals and idiots.

Message boards and private web sites have been a facilitator for certain criminal elements due to perceived anonymity and perceived First Amendment protections, but now, new technology and governmental attention has brought these activities into a better focus. We encourage readers to see for themselves the type of activities that occur on message boards and to be cautious of information that is posted. We specifically refer to a certain Silicon Investor web site which is in our opinion a facilitator of a certain criminal enterprise, currently under indictment by the federal government.

The above article has been written by investigator Andy Liu of the Taipei office of Asiavest Investigative Services. The purpose of the article is to inform readers of certain activities which may have a negative influence on both public and non-public companies. This report was updated on September 23, 2003.