My Thoughts-
Posted by: fugeguyIn reply to: J_Livermore who wrote msg# 890 (From the I*Hub QRVI board)
Date:3/22/2006 11:02:50 AMPost #of 894
The idea of test sells is see what is really happening in the market- not to sell all your stock! In pinkyland the MM's can post virtually anything they want- there is no oversight and the MM's are shameless.
Also, if you can buy and/ or sell at the ask to me that means we have fair and open transactions between investors. If you must overbid to buy and/ or underbid to sell that means we have a manipulated market...
It is not uncommon to see a stock posting huge volume but when you try to buy in you cannot get shares. Well then I will try to sell- but no dice there either. That would tell me that Mavis and Mabel are up to something and the ticker more resembles a movie (being produced and directed by people unknown but undoubtedly for some nefarious purpose) than a factual document.
>> All my opinion <<>> As always, IMHO <<
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