Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Anyone You Know?



September 7, 2003

Our web site and our various articles on message board posting have been fortunate enough to gain a great deal of attention over the past several months. Information on our web site has seemed to have struck a nerve with a certain criminal enterprise and their followers. We have received e-mails and telephone calls from members of the enterprise, in an attempt to threaten and intimidate our investigators. All messages and public postings from these intimidators have been documented and forwarded to the appropriate authorities. You would think that it would be enough that certain key players in this certain criminal enterprise are under federal indictment, but apparently they are gluten for punishment and continue with their tactics of intimidation, public threats and spreading of mis-information. Take their "leader" for example, a well known short seller and convicted felon. Even though he is awaiting trial on a variety of charges including RICO violations, he still continues to post on public message boards while out on bail and awaiting trial; but then again, no one ever said criminals were smart!

After having several interactions with governmental officials, we are certain that message boards are monitored by governmental agencies. An anonymous government source revealed that his agency follows the activities of certain public boards, on a daily basis and that they have infiltrated certain private sites; and that they keep a running history of chat logs. If we know this, then the criminals must also know it; so why would they continue posting their threats and intimidating messages? Why would they copy and post information that is protected by copyright? Why would someone under indictment continue to follow the very same pattern of activities that got him indicted, in the first place? Why would these people openly and publicly threaten government witnesses, even after being warned? Why would certain people criticize the United States government and engage in a continuing pattern of intimidation and criminal activity? Why would people that have been alluded to, as being terrorists, continue to act like terrorists? Why, because they are STUPID!

We have also been accused (by members of the criminal element, other short sellers, and a certain group of message board posters) of violating certain SEC rules because we have openly admitted to monitoring public message boards, both as a personal investigative resource and to protect the legal interests of our clients. We herewith reiterate the point that “we do” monitor certain message boards and this is done to protect the interest of clients and to gather information and evidence to be used in both civil and criminal proceedings, and public disclosure does not apply. We also reiterate that when certain posters violate the stated Terms of Service for message board postings, “we do” follow stated procedures in having false and misleading posts removed and posters tossed, and we will continue to do so. This option is open to all who participate in viewing and posting on message boards.

As noted, many of our articles have been copied and posted on public message boards (eventhough the material is original and protected works) and this has helped to make more people aware of certain pitfalls of information posted on message boards. In addition to drawing attention to certain message board posters, it has also exposed a certain element for what they are; criminals and idiots.

Message boards and private web sites have been a facilitator for certain criminal elements due to perceived anonymity and perceived First Amendment protections, but now, new technology and governmental attention has brought these activities into a better focus. We encourage readers to see for themselves the type of activities that occur on message boards and to be cautious of information that is posted. We specifically refer to a certain Silicon Investor web site which is in our opinion a facilitator of a certain criminal enterprise, currently under indictment by the federal government.

The above article has been written by investigator Andy Liu of the Taipei office of Asiavest Investigative Services. The purpose of the article is to inform readers of certain activities which may have a negative influence on both public and non-public companies. This report was updated on September 23, 2003.


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