Prime Holdings
Information for Prime Holdings PMHJ PRIM PMGJ
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
The great Busboy Conspiracy.....

This has been denied by the president of Busboy (Spencer Taylor).
Spencer has also denied being the infamous 'Tomisacrook'.
Both of these statements were made second hand on R.B.'s PMHJ board.
The big question now is who shot Captain Nemo?
XXX Credits are due to Cariocca for the screen shot and to hot4atlanta for contacting BB's President... XXX
Friday, June 24, 2005
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
More X Files Stuff....But Interesting None The Less
29 May 2005, 02:46 PM EDT
Msg. 75988 of 75994 Jump to msg. #
There’s a new game in town and it’s just getting started. The group playing this game is called “The Cannibals.”
They are a group of very opportunistic hedge funds who have decided to take advantage of a new market phenomenon - that of excessive “naked shorting.”
In the past 4 or 5 years there has been an alarming increase in naked shorting, most of it illegal. It started in earnest when some of the Internet momentum players of the 90’s realized that the game was over, the bubble was bursting and they better start making money on the short side of the market running hedge funds.
They soon realized that with their new power they could actually deny smaller companies access to the capital markets by shorting them into oblivion, especially those with losses (burn rates). They have probably destroyed hundreds of companies, some say thousands. In some cases they have collectively shorted several times the entire number of a company’s outstanding shares. As crazy as this sounds, it happens. But one person’s abuse can be another person’s opportunity, and now, along come “The Cannibals.” Their game is to identify companies which have been victimized by these shorts to the extent that their stock is now well below any objective level of intrinsic value and where certain minimal investment standards have been met.
The company must have decent technology or products, adequate management, meet certain aspects of viability and have a large enough short position to provide substantial economic gain. Information recently obtained from inside sources say that this is how the game is played. First the funds will very quietly accumulate a large number of shares at the already low price. Since the shorts would still be shorting they would look at the buy orders as “free money” The key will be for the funds to make their initial purchases with considerable stealth until a significant position has been established. It is altogether possible that they will acquire as many or more shares as the company has outstanding, since at first, the shorts will be very accommodative.
Then, once the core position has been established they will likely approach the company and consult with them about possible strategies such as de-listing from the Berlin Berman Stock Exchange (which has been a hotbed of illegal shorting), declaring a stock dividend, maybe initiate a corporate maneuver requiring the issuance of new shares and probably working with outside consultants to do an in-depth shareholder audit to determine the extent and source of the shorting. Then comes crunch time! The Cannibals come out of the closet and start buying with gusto. Buy orders will be coming from every direction, on shore, off shore, hedge funds, well-heeled individual investors, chart readers, momentum players, etc. The Internet can be a useful tool in spreading the message.
Once the market knows the shorts are on the run the pressure can get relentless. Unlike a soaring stock where most buyers have a choice of chasing or not, shorts have no choice but to cover at any cost as margin calls dictate the timing. The hedge fund community is one of the most opportunistic in the world. Results over the past year or so have been sub-par which means their 20% fees aren’t being triggered. Here comes a chance for a handful of hedge funds to take advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to strike it rich over the next year or so. The Cannibals are greed-driven and they plan to take full advantage of this unprecedented moment in market history, even if it comes at the expense of their fellow hedge funds (hence the name “Cannibals”).
Some have already started to accumulate shares, but the fruits of their labors probably won’t start to show up until later this summer of early fall. Don’t be surprised to see this catch on in a big way. Once others see how the game is played there will be lots of copycats. Some of the cannibals are already planning for web sites, market letters, trading rooms, etc. It’s even possible that one or two mutual funds of distressed stocks will surface before this is over. What comes around, goes around,. Now the Cannibals are coming to town to eat their young and to create a new batch of billionaires.
Monday, June 13, 2005
SEC Link
Link to the SEC filings:
It was posted by a total basher but is valid none the less.
Weekly Update
Rough week for me last week. Too many hours. I did get to meet Bill Ford, Jr.
I have been adding to my positions. My big buy order at .0039 did not fill- my estimation of the bottom was off.
Many people feel we need to get momentum to trade higher. Old MO never hurts but this stock is beyond being a momentum play. IMHO, the track record (and it is very bad) is out there for Prime. Based on this track record it is difficult to get new investors to put money in Prime based on the "come." They look at the track record- 'nuff said.
That being said- If we continue to see revenue growth the "current" story of Prime will become impossible to ignore and at that point we could see a monumental shift of multiple decimal points quickly. That is why I am still here....
I have tried to keep up with the posts but must admit to falling behind. A few new bashers- always a "buy" signal.
My biggest concern right now is financing. It seems that the current generation of deals has fallen apart. It has been months since the Hiprotechwhatever thing was initially touted…. That means that Tom cannot get the revenues into the 400K to $ 500K range necessary to begin to make money. That only leaves him one choice to make up the short fall. I hope Tom’s plan B is in place…..
Monday, June 06, 2005
Stock Chart
A link to a good interactive chart:,uu[h,a]dalayiay[db][pc8!c21!f][vc60][iut!Uc20!Lb14]&pref=G
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Naked Short Selling
I am not convinced that PMHJ is a victim of NSS but there have been times that strange things have happened to our little gem.
This link was found on the raging bull board and it gives some interesting insight into this phenomena.