Monday, November 06, 2006

Faulk's Latest Rant


Investing 101 - Nov 5, 2006

by Mark Faulk

After almost three years of covering the issue of stock market fraud, and after experiencing revelation after revelation about just how widespread…and how controlled…the fraud really is, against investors, against our economic foundation, against America, things have become, well, let’s just say that events have become very predictable.

Those of us “who knew” saw the problems with naked short selling way before it was (finally) in vogue to talk about it in the major media. Those of us who were paying attention knew about how hedge funds were dangerously manipulating the market long before the house of cards began to collapse around them while federal regulators feigned mock surprise. Those of us who ventured into the seedy underbelly of Wall Street saw something insidious and menacing, something that we knew could eventually collapse our entire economy if left unchecked.

No, it’s not that difficult to know how this plays out, and believe me, it’s not a pretty picture.

The brokers will be exposed as the real villains here, revealed to be just as crooked as the hedge funds (and even more powerful), and everyone will once again posture in mock indignation, gesturing animatedly while they launch investigations and promise to enact justice on the “bad guys.” Meanwhile, they’ll be scrambling to eliminate the last few shreds of evidence…beginning with your stock certificates.

The Plunge Protection Team, who has been busy propping up the market while the crooks entice you with hopes of wealth and financial security, will turn out to be just another cog…set up and encouraged by our federal government…in the machine that really controls the flow of money inn America, that system that guarantees that the rich get richer. This is not by accident, folks. You’re not struggling to make ends meet simply because they have better resources to begin with, or because our “free enterprise system” (*coughcough* excuse me, I almost choked on that one) gives “thems that has” an advantage or “thems that don’t.” Your parents and grandparents aren’t facing a retirement of living on less and hoping that they can simply pay next months utilities and afford minimal medical care just because some are born into money, and others aren’t. This is not the luck of the draw, and it has very little to do with who worked harder to get ahead.

This game is rigged.

While the deck has always been stacked against the middle and lower class, the past decade has turned into a money grab unprecedented in our country’s history. Not since Alexander the Great plundered the Persian Empire have so many been raped, robbed, and pillaged at the hands of so few.

This is one conspiracy that is turning out to be bigger than even the most paranoid of the so-called “tin-foil hat” crowd could imagine. This is a pending meltdown of epic proportions, and I repeat: IT’S NOT BY ACCIDENT. The brokers, the hedge funds, the Congressmen who are bought and sold by “big money,” the regulators, the media…THEY’RE ALL IN ON IT.

Now, years after Dave Patch started his InvestigatetheSEC website, years after The Faulking Truth,, and a few other rogue online publications began to sound the alarm, years after a few brave (or foolhardy, depending on who you ask) souls began to spread the word to anyone who would listen, years after advocates like Bob O’Brien, Patrick Byrne, and Bud Burrell began to speak out, Congress is (again, FINALLY) launching…or at least talking about launching a broad-based investigation into the SEC. But why now, just as the DOW is hitting record highs? Granted, those highs aren’t “inflation adjusted” record highs, but still, the market, at least on the surface looks good.

Why now?

It’s simple, and not hard to see through. While the hedge funds might not be transparent, their tactics are. While Wall Street is scrambling to find the next way to give their ultra-rich clients..and by extension, themselves…that leg up, that extra advantage, that “edge,” their methods are becoming glaringly predictable.

The game is rigged, and the record highs of the DOW are an illusion, nothing more than an enticing hologram projected in front of America in order to distract everyone…for the umpteenth time, from the fact that they’re being raped, robbed, and left for dead.

Putting the Plunge Protection Team in charge of keeping our stock market afloat is like trusting the major oil companies to not gouge us at the gas pumps. Every time they loosen the chokehold on the middle class, it’s only so they can reposition their grip so that they can squeeze us a little tighter.

The “pending investigation” into the SEC, the upcoming expose’ of the brokers….the imminent collapse of Wall Street, or more accurately, the imminent implosion of Wall Street, from the inside out…are all orchestrated events, nothing more. Their plan is to abandon ship just before it sinks. It’s up to us to stop them before they’ve hauled off the last load of money. Our only hope is that the indisputable truth that greed is all-consuming, that they simply aren’t capable of walking away while they are still a few bones to pick clean, will ultimately be their downfall.

That their greed will be their undoing…and that the growing number of Americans who have had enough will eventually turn the tables on those who are sucking our country dry, and send them a clear message:

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH…we want our country back, and we want it back NOW. The time of reckoning is near, and those who think that they can continue to be traitors to America underestimate the resolve of those who made this country great to begin with, those who worked for their money, who fought for their country either at home or abroad, and who will continue to fight as long as they feel threatened or cheated.

A word of warning to the greedy, a bit of advice to those who have sold their souls to the Almighty Dollar: Just because you’ve gotten away with it up to now, don’t believe for a moment that this is over. We as a people will not give up, we as a country will not go down quietly. Your time is coming.



This article is also posted on Mark Faulk’s blog at The Sanity Check, along with an excellent comment section, at:

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Mark Faulk is the Editor of The Faulking Truth, and the author of the upcoming book entitled "The Naked Truth: Counterfeiting the American Dream," due out in late 2006. For more information on the book and on the stock market scandal, go to , and to pre-order your copy, go to


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