Monday, December 19, 2005

RB Users Getting Testy...

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By: blindbusdriver
19 Dec 2005, 01:34 PM EST
Msg. 771 of 771
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There is a person named magikmakr03 who has just posted on the CRGO forum (post 13746) claiming that he has the name and direct phone number of the "Supervisor of the RagingBull TOS dept". He goes on to claim that he has previously used this access to have other specific posters suspended. Is this legal? Why is this person allowed this type of access? Here is the link:

This poster has been actively engaged in manipulating the CRGO stock by using lies, inuendo, and slanderous remarks targeting the company management. He is one of several who have conducted this coordinated and ongoing attack for months. I have filed several TOS complaints on each of them, yet they are still active and their accounts have never been suspended. While I have been TOS'd several times for standing up against people like this. Do you think this is legal? Do you approve of this activity? Are you being compensated in some way by this activity?

This does NOT look good. It appears that RagingBull and Lycos have become a "willing tool" of an organized gang of criminal stock manipulators operating one many forums using different alias. And today, there is now proof of this; a "smoking gun" of sorts. It appears that RagingBull is allowing these criminals to operate freely, while decent and honest investors are routinely thrown off the forums, based on specific input from these criminals stock manipulators.

Care to comment about this online here?

(I didn't think so)

You may rest assured that I am fileing (yet another) complaint to the Security Exchange Commission (not that it will do any good). I have lost substantial money on stocks that have been manipulated on the RB forums. It is now obvious that RagingBull is providing a venue and some sort of "umbrella of protection" for this ongoing criminal activity. As a citizen, I am going to do my part to see that Lycos is held responsible for this.

I will be back to give you an update of my progress.


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